1. A) Christmas-time attacks made by Somali rebels. B) An explosion at a bus station in central Nairobi. C) The killing of more than 70 Ugandans in Kampala. D) Blasts set off by a Somali group in Uganda’s capital. 2. A) On Christmas Eve. C) During...
1. A) Christmas-time attacks made by Somali rebels. B) An explosion at a bus station in central Nairobi. C) The killing of more than 70 Ugandans in Kampala. D) Blasts set off by a Somali group in Uganda’s capital. 2. A) On Christmas Eve. C) During...
每年圣诞期间最令人期待的除了圣诞市场(Christmas Market)以外,那就是各处的冬季溜冰场(Ice Rink)了,因为只有天冷临近圣诞的时候它们才会开放。 圣诞日历 Advent Calendar 在过圣诞节前,有个传统就是给孩子们买美妆护肤圣诞日历更是非常抢手,另外英国各大超市也都会...
名声享誉在外的威斯敏斯特教堂过起圣诞来也毫不含糊,圣诞节期间的圣诞颂歌安排如下:2017年12月24日下午4点Service of Lessons & Carols,24日下午18点First Eucharist of Christmas Eve;晚上11点30分Christmas Midnight Mass Christmas Eve;25日上午10点30分Sung Eucha...
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